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aromatouch, doterra essential oils, Tabathas Aroma Touch, work from home, essential oils,aroma touch, home based business

Contact: Tabatha's Aroma Touch,    To Host A Class

​Tabatha's Aroma Touch is determined to help you to make money at home and be able to get your oils at a discounted price as well.

If you want to set up to have me teach a class on the doTERRA Essentail Oils, the Business part of doTERRA, or a certain product that we have to offer, then I would be happy to do so.

When you host a class that Tabatha's Aroma Touch, Tabatha Bedont, teaches... you get the chance to earn free products and gifts and discounts towards your oils as well.


If you sign up to be an Independent Consultant, then when I host  a class for you, those who want to sign up as consultants as well (I would sign them up under you) so that you would be able to start earning with doTERRA as well.

Contact me at (208) 371 - 1548  you can call/ text me or

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